Multicultural Signs
Inspired by the Japanese designer Shutaro Mukai, “I am interpreting ‘Design’ in a comprehensive, encompassing manner – not as the constant creation of new images and lifestyles that obstruct the future, but as bringing forth unpredictable, existential spheres of life. ‘Design is a form of conduct, which places man’s very own livelihood at the centre of production. … To integrate sociological, economic, technological, and cultural aspects, amongst others, integrative strength and an understanding of transdisciplinarity are required. Design emerges in diverse contexts … – it is a discipline without much discipline. To develop such a design methodology, not only the future … and the past … are relevant, but also, especially today, the revitalization of views and ideas about the primal rhythms of our world, in other words, that we move back and forth between the past and the future to comprehend the world as a united whole.” (Shutaro Mukai: “Gesten als Weltprozess”)
The photographic floor installation “Multicultural Signs” (48 photos) was part of the exhibitions in New York City and Berlin, 2013
Catalogue: Eva Koethen “Tritt-Bilder” – Aktionen und Ausstellungen 1998-2005
(‘Step-on-Pictures’ – Performances and Exhibitions, 1998-2005)
Berlin – Tokyo 2005, 49 pages (available)
Download: “Tritt-Bilder” (‘Step-on-Pictures’) (pdf-file, 3.1 MB)