Group Exhibitions

Group Exhibitions

2017 – "Kairos", Visionary Art Show Italy, Palazzo Vernazza-Castromediano, Lecce, Italy
2016 – "Vanishing Point West – Artists as seismograph", temporary project space Nestor 36, Berlin-Charlottenburg
2014 – "Bridged Space – Image Figurations and Real Sculptures", temporary project space Nestor 36, Berlin-Charlottenburg
2013 – "WESTRAUM – Sculptures, Installations, Monuments", temporary project space Nestor 36, Berlin-Charlottenburg
2012 "The New Collectors Selection Exhibition", Ward-Nasse Gallery, Soho, New York City
2011 "Chianciano International Award for Digital and Photographic Art in London", Gagliardi Gallery, Chelsea, London
"Trevisian International Art – Little Treasures", Galleria de' Marchi, Bologna, Italy
2010 "International Award for Digital and Photographic Art 2010" (Premio per Arte Digitale e Fotografica), Chianciano Art Museum, Chianciano Therme, Siena, Italy
2008 "Eva's Secret" (Il Segreto di Eva), Primo Piano LivingGallery, Lecce, Italy
"Textures – Territories of Border" (Territori di Confine: Texture e Lumiere), Primo Piano LivingGallery, Lecce, Italy
2006 "Überschreitungen des Barock" (‘Transgressing the Baroque’), photographic floor-installation as part of the exhibition "Mozart Experiment Aufklärung" (‘Mozart and the Experiment of the Enlightenment’), Albertina, Vienna, Austria
2004 Fluxus-Fließen (‘Fluxus Flow’): "Übers Wasser" (‘Across the Water’), photographic floor-installations, in the Mühlenkeller of and "Verbrauchte Fische" (‘Used Fish’), object installation, on the estate of Neuwagenmühle / nr. Kördorf (as part of the Summer of Culture of the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate 2004, Germany)
1995 – "Kunst in der Kirche" (‘Art in the Church’), Trinitatis Church, Wolfenbüttel / Brunswick, Germany
– "Europäische Künstler im Rathaus" (‘European Artists in the Town Hall’), paintings and sculptures, Stuttgart Town Hall, Germany
1992 – Ausstellungsprojekt "Schünemannsche Mühle" (Exhibition project ‘Schünemann Mill’), Wolfenbüttel / Brunswick, Germany
1991 – "Neues aus den Ateliers" (‘New Work from the Artist Studios’), Villa Oppenheim, Berlin, Germany
1990 – "Galerie der Künstler" (‘Gallery of the Artists’), Galerie Herrsching, Herrsching / Munich, Germany
– "Fragments of the Berlin Wall", Alena Adlung Gallery, New York, USA
1988 – "European Art", Gallery Art 54, New York, USA
– Alena Adlung Gallery, New York, USA